Saturday, December 10, 2016


Today's song is: I do Believe in Fairies

Many of the male tourists that visit Thailand fall into the category of Peter Pan. They regret growing older and never want to truly grow up. I must admit I subscribe to that aspiration as well. Growing older basically sucks. The only thing that comes with age is wisdom and that can easily be lost after a couple of vodkas and RedBulls. It is amazing how consuming great quantities of alcohol seems like a good idea at the time  .. Next day, not so much ..

However, alcohol does tend to take you back in time. I have seen many farangs, especially women, out for a good time in Bangkok reliving their youth as they hit the dance floor to tunes of their teens. I think, wow, terrific, why can't everyone be like this. I think, that is part of the magic of Bangkok, it is a sort of wonderland. Unlike the Stones song, 'You can always get what you want  .. but their may be a price to pay :-) or maybe not  :-) :-) :-)

Today's reflection came about because I discovered 2 young Thai girls working in a gogo bar as Coyote dancers who struck me as living their dream. They are only 18 years of age so I will not mention the name of the bar or their names but perhaps I will call them TweedleDum and TweedleDee. They are obviously working illegally and did not know each other before arriving in Bangkok about a month ago. I asked the mamasan if they were agency girls and she said no, they just showed up looking for work one week.

What makes these girls unique? They are part of the internet generation and want to take advantage of their good looks, great bodies, fun personalities and terrific dancing. In short, they enjoy themselves in their line of work. They have no babies or boyfriends but I have no doubt they are contributing money back home to mamma and poppa but I doubt that will be an onerous task for them as they will be in high demand.  They are definitely not GFE types but would be a hoot for a night or weekend.

TweedleDum has the most engaging personality and smile but TweedleDee is the very image of a real life Tinkerbell. I shit you not. To refresh your memory of Tinkerbell  ..
This is how you probably remember her  ..

But in a land, far away ...

However, there is one caveat to Wonderland  .. 
in the immortal words of Peter Pan  .. 
beware the last line  ..

Maybe I can convince TweedleDee to let me take a photo of her that I can share .. no promises :-)


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