Sunday, September 29, 2024

What's Wrong with You?

 I have some observations about relationships and a question to ask.

On my walk this morning, on a beautiful sunny Fall day, and I smiled at oncoming walkers and said good morning. The majority of them did not acknowledge my hello. Some were alone, some with a partner, and some with a dog. What's Wrong with You?

On my walk I cross over a roundabout crosswalk. Most people stop, some roll right through, and some speed up so they don't need to stop. What does 3 seconds add to your drive? What's Wrong with You?

On my walk I pass my son's school and in the primary school yard their is a young couple with school age children letting their dogs run unleased. Every entrance to the school property is signed no dogs allowed. What are they teaching their children? What's Wrong with You?

The above got me thinking. Throughout my life I believe I was basically a rule follower. I am not talking legal rules, but perhaps societal norms. I have usually tried to do what best for those I come in contact with. I have coached for 40 years, worked in a supervisory capacity for 30 years and hired, and mentored many employees. I have even been accused of hiring my friends.

Coaching has always been something I enjoyed. My goal was to make players better and over 30 of those players have gone on to play at university. I just received two happy birthdays on my Facebook. Thank you and for the remaining hundreds of players ... What's Wrong with You?

In my career I mentored quite a few people who went on to very successful careers. I just received an eMail from one of them saying happy birthday and let's get together for a chat. The others (you know who you are) are probably patting themselves on the back and thinking how smart I was to have such a great career. Perhaps it is time for some self reflection and a birthday wish. What's Wrong with You?

I only taught for about 10 years but in those 10 years I think I may have made a difference in young lives. My goal was usually to make students smile and succeed in my course. Every now again one reaches out to me to say thanks. If sometime, you think back and realize 'That was the best of times ...' you should reach out, not necessarily to me but to some teacher or coach that made a difference. What's Wrong with You?

Since retiring, I have reached out to colleague and students when there was a need and tried to make a difference in their lives. You also know who you are. One particular student does not even reply to me if I ask how she is doing. What's Wrong with You?

What I take away from all of the above is that people move on and when they do they leave behind what was. Interesting enough, that is the theme of a book I taught to my grade 8s for 3 years.

That was Then, This is Now

Novel by S. E. Hinton

Perhaps I am just becoming maudlin in my old age ... or in search of truth like Don Quixote in 'Tilting at Windmills'


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