Friday, October 8, 2021

Big Changes

 Today's song is: Be the One ... Dua Lipa

Finally, something to write about.

Jaidan is back in the classroom and enjoying it. Thavorn has a job on a mushroom farm working in quality control (final inspection). The hours are long, sometimes 11 hours a day and she has to work every second weekend. However, after the first couple of days which were tough, she is managing easily, as joyful as ever, and is enjoying watching her bank account grow as she becomes a contributing member of society.

The best part of the job is that it is a 5 minute drive from where we live so I drop her off and pick her up without much of a disruption to our daily routine of putting Jaidan on and off the bus.

However I find it lonely and a bit boring without my 'tilac' at home.

My business work is finally becoming manageable as new features were rolled out in September. The business is growing slowly which is fine by me as I get a life :-)

The Canadian dollar has appreciated substantially against the Thai baht and is now 1 CDN = 27 Thai Baht, up from  1 CDN = 22 Thai Baht of a few months ago. Here is hoping it goes back to 1 to 30 of 10 years ago when I first started to visit Thailand.

Thavorn will be able to bank $2,500 a month so we should be able to start building her house in Kok Som Lan in about 2 years. At that time she can return to her life of leisure.

Also, at that time, Jaidan with be in grade 4, a grade I have taught and I will probably home school him for 6 months while the build is in progress. We may eventually be doing 6 months in Canada and 6 months in Thailand. However, we live each day, at a time, which is the Thai way :-) Fate, karma and Buddha will look after us :-)

I did not use my motorcycle as much as I would have liked so one of my goals next year is to make more use of it.

My TPA (Teacher Performance Appraisal) software is now in its 20th year. Those of you in the software industry will realize that is quite a milestone. Kudos to me :-)

Jaidan is looking forward to snow, as am I. Thavorn, is not so sure! Thavorn is now the proud owner of a six pack and enjoys being taken for a teenager. 

Life is good, take care.


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