Monday, July 6, 2020


Today's song is: Not a song but some Forest witticisms :-)

Forest Gump stated, 'Stupid is as stupid does'.

Tom Hanks who portrayed Forest is still shocked at many younger folks' reactions to Cov-19 and refusing to wear masks. How ever, I am not surprised.

A recent frat party in the states produced 100 positive cov-19 tests in the aftermath. These are supposed the brightest young people the states have to offer. Go figure.

One item of good news is that the province of Ontario has decided to scrap streaming in Ontario high schools as it penalises 'black' students.  If there are no role models in your classroom, what do you aspire to? The good news for me as the end results is that boys will be helped regardless of their race. Boys are overly represented in general level courses but no one seems to care about that.

However, don't be fooled by this as French immersion classes will continue and we all know that is also a form of streaming, but then again maybe the general population does not know.

If there is anything worse than the notion of  'white privilege' it is 'white male privilege'.  If you are a white male in this day and age, try getting a police, firefighter job, etc. Good luck with that.

I think the world is evolving around two long standing theories. The first being there is a limit to the population that a geographic area will support (hence cov coming out of the world's most populist country). The second is, Darwin's theory of evolution. The strongest and brightest will survive by adapting and the rest will succumb to pandemics.  Unfortunately in this day and age you have to add 'richest' into the mix as well.

Meanwhile back in the home I finished my 4th 'Lego' (actually a Chinese clone) car, and it was the most sophisticated yet.

Apart from trying to learn something new each day (why has Chrome stopped spell checking) and lose some covid weight gains, I shake my head and and think, 'What were they thinking', when the question may be, 'Why aren't they thinking!'

BTW, I work with some major school boards and some are reporting very large retirement rates as teachers vote with their feet after thinking about the past and coming school year.


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