Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Morons at Large

 Today's song is: Paint it Black ... Stones

Doug Ford, our estemed Premier of Ontario, a college dropout of little accomplishment, other than getting elected by the Toronto folks announced today that classes will not resume this educational year despite the recomendations of just about everyone outside of his party.  It appears that only 24% of Ontarians have children in school so he preferred to piss them off rather than the folks who want their restaurants, gyms, golf courses, nail and hair saloons, restaurants and bars reope ned. It appears that kids do not matter. Data science at work. Who to kiss ass and who to piss off. After all, we must not forget the main goal of every politician is to get relected!

That is my rant for the day.

Don't be fooled by the talk that online learning works for JK to Grade 6. It is a joke and kids are learning very little compared to the classroom experience. How do I know that? I listen to my grade one's online experience each and everyday. He manages to succeed because I sit with him the whole time.

It appears the most we can expect is about 70% of the poplation will get vaccinated the other 30% are mostly anti vaxxers of one type or another. 

Yesterday we went for a walk on a forest trail beside one of the vaccination sites. The site was hardly busy at all as I suspect we are near the 70% mark for the first shot and the brilliant mind of Doug Ford hasn't figured out how to reschedule people for their second shot. How can he ensure the most votes? Probably catering to his home base of Toronto rather than need, age, etc.

Trudopes keeps apologizing whether it be for Italian internment during WW2, black face, or whatever. 

It will be interesting to see what happens after the discovery of 250 indigenous child bodies where discovered in a mass grave in Kamloops. Residential schools were deemed a good idea at the time but implemented similar to our old folks homes. They were made worse by turning them over to bible punchers and abusers of various types.

However, many stupid things happened in the past under the guise of good government. Nothing that handing over our hard earned dollars to the new generation of indigenous folks won't fix. That would be generational entitlement. I think we should use generational punishment and lock up the decendents of the politicians and government officials that put that abomination in place.

It also appears that the Canadians that benefitted the most from Trudope's covid handouts were large companies like Air canada and the top 30% of Canadians in terms of income. However what can you expect from the former drama school teacher. How is going to pay off the huge deficit? The same kids that are currently being hurt by Ford's pandemic decisions.  What a pair Ford and Trudope!

It appears that I am ranting again, so ...